While Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is posturing to increase cordial relations with China and is scheduled to visit Beijing in May this year, his Nation Security Advisor(NSA) Ajit Kumar Doval; former Chief of Indian Intelligence Bureau and a diehard member of Hindutva extremist organization RSS is organizing something real big to put China in double trouble in Xinjiang and Tibet, reveal the investigations of The Daily Mail, carried out in this direction.
These investigations indicate that earlier, Indian intelligence agency , the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW or R&AW) was sufficing on training ETIM militants from organized camps inside Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan while arrangements were also made to get the ETIM members trained and armed via Pakistan based TTP-Raw Network. However, after Pakistan army launched the mother of all operations, codenamed “Operation Zarb-e-Azab”, even TTP had to go on a run, leaving one to imagine as what could have been the plight of its students from ETIM. Similarly on the other side, new Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani, after coming to power, started a policy of minimizing the Indian intelligence interference in Afghanistan and started clearing all the RAW organized ETIM and TTP training camps in a precise and calculated move, though with a constant, yet invisible resistance by certain Generals of Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan Intelligence i.e. National Directorate of Security(NDS), both having majority of Indian loyalists and patronage.
These investigations indicate that earlier, Indian intelligence agency , the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW or R&AW) was sufficing on training ETIM militants from organized camps inside Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan while arrangements were also made to get the ETIM members trained and armed via Pakistan based TTP-Raw Network. However, after Pakistan army launched the mother of all operations, codenamed “Operation Zarb-e-Azab”, even TTP had to go on a run, leaving one to imagine as what could have been the plight of its students from ETIM. Similarly on the other side, new Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani, after coming to power, started a policy of minimizing the Indian intelligence interference in Afghanistan and started clearing all the RAW organized ETIM and TTP training camps in a precise and calculated move, though with a constant, yet invisible resistance by certain Generals of Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan Intelligence i.e. National Directorate of Security(NDS), both having majority of Indian loyalists and patronage.
A bus travels toward the border with China in Kyrgyzstan
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the situation however forced Ajit Kumar Doval, the Indian NSA who also controls the RAW, IB and Indian Military Intelligence by default, to move ETIM’s militant training camps from Wakhan Corridor area near China border and also from Kunnar and Nooristan areas near Pakistan border while TTP headquarters under the Command of Pakistan’s Most Wanted terrorist Mulla FazalUllah that was also supervising the ETIM training and Operations are also in the process of being moved to Kandahar. Similarly, for the ETIM operators, spots in Vietnam, along with China’s Guangxi region have been established through Indian intelligence agency, RAW.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that RAW was earlier running similar training and operational bases for ETIM in Kyrgyzstan and some other central Asian States. However when in January last year with China’s restive Xinjiang province . However after the arrival of Doval to power in India and Ashraf Ghani becoming President of Afghanistan, things started to get deteriorating for Indians.
Earlier, eleven members of ETIM were killed in Kyrgyzstan and Kyrgyzstani authorities stated they suspected them to be some Chechen terrorists, preparing for some new terror operation. Later, independent investigations exposed that it was the Indian intelligence that was actually running a training and operations camp of ETIM terrorists near a remote border village, bordering with China’s restive Xinjiang province. The Kyrgyz border service Chief said a group of militants, carrying hunting rifles and knives, was spotted in Pikertyk, 40 km from the border, by a park ranger who was killed in the violence. Kyrgyz border guards located and surrounded the militants, and a gunfight erupted when they refused to surrender. Eleven militants were killed. After the incident, the Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry said Kyrgyzstan and China are working closely in the fight against the “evil forces” of separatism, extremism and terrorism and the both the Kyrgyz and Chinese came to know what was actually going on and that Indians were running this show.
After this development, things became very difficult for the Indians to keep the operation intact from there and thus these camps were also shifted from Kyrgyzstan to Afghanistan and to Pak-Afghan border areas inside Pakistan in early 2014.
The Daily Mail’s Investigations indicate that although Indians were much desirous of having a huge ETIM set up in Pakistan’s Waziristan Agencies as by doing so, they could not only cause huge damage to China but could also deeply dent Pakistan-China relations. However, due to unexpected launch of mega military operation by Pakistan Army in the area, Indian had to remove these assets of it from Pakistan first and later also from Afghanistan precisely.
Investigations of The Daily Mail indicate that Ajit Kumar Doval, who is considered as the specialist of arranging plane hijacking dramas, in the global intelligence community, is now reported to be planning the hijacking of a passenger plane by ETIM militant from Kyrgyzstan or Vietnam etc as his original plan of executing this hijacking from Islamabad airport could not be materialized due extraordinary security applied at all Pakistani airport after the start of operation Zarb-e-Azb. After this intelligence report surfaced, Chinese authorities introduced top level security measures at Xingjian’s Urumqi airports while they are jointly reviewing the security arrangements at relevant foreign airports, having flights to Urumqi.
The investigations further indicate that although the exact locations of RAW organized ETIM terror training and operations camps in Vietnam are not know, yet it stands almost confirmed that a few of these are at a location between Shuolong Town and Tang Loong towns of China Vietnam Border, an area, normally considered as safe haven for the smuggling operations. These operations are “mainly organized and controlled behind the scene by the East
Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) in efforts to spread religious extremism, and bewitch and incite people to flee abroad to take part in jihadist activities, while is actually masterminded from New Delhi-based RAW headquarters. Just recently, Chinese Border authorities killed a couple of ETIM activists of Uighur community in this border area, earlier in February this year. The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the Chhota Rajan Gang, that was created by Ajit Doval during his days at IB and was later comprehensively used by RAW as well, has now been tasked to manage the ETIM affairs in Vietnam as the Chhota Rajan Gang is on record to have an amazing network across Vietnam. Chhota Rajan Gang has come to a boom, boom situation after Doval took over as India’s NSA and became an undeclared chief of the entire intelligence mechanism of the country. These investigations indicate that in a recent meeting that was held in the last days of Januarry 2015, NSA Ajit Doval formally handed over Chhota Rajan Gang’s service to the incumbent RAW Chief Rajinder Khanna for the ETIM operations and for certain operations in Pakistan and Nepal. The details of these operations are still not available
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that Ajit Doval is also desirous of having a repeat of the RAW operation, codenamed “Ashes on Snow” that was carried out in Tibet region of China in 2008, using the services of some Arunachal Pradesh and Dharamshaal based Tibetan elements. Hyper activities at the training centers At Dharamshala state of India have been witnessed in past few weeks. Investigations indicate that Doval has planned of sandwiching Chinese security authorities between simultaneous disruption and violence in both Tibet and Xinjiang Regions of the people’s Republic.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that RAW was earlier running similar training and operational bases for ETIM in Kyrgyzstan and some other central Asian States. However when in January last year with China’s restive Xinjiang province . However after the arrival of Doval to power in India and Ashraf Ghani becoming President of Afghanistan, things started to get deteriorating for Indians.
Earlier, eleven members of ETIM were killed in Kyrgyzstan and Kyrgyzstani authorities stated they suspected them to be some Chechen terrorists, preparing for some new terror operation. Later, independent investigations exposed that it was the Indian intelligence that was actually running a training and operations camp of ETIM terrorists near a remote border village, bordering with China’s restive Xinjiang province. The Kyrgyz border service Chief said a group of militants, carrying hunting rifles and knives, was spotted in Pikertyk, 40 km from the border, by a park ranger who was killed in the violence. Kyrgyz border guards located and surrounded the militants, and a gunfight erupted when they refused to surrender. Eleven militants were killed. After the incident, the Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry said Kyrgyzstan and China are working closely in the fight against the “evil forces” of separatism, extremism and terrorism and the both the Kyrgyz and Chinese came to know what was actually going on and that Indians were running this show.
After this development, things became very difficult for the Indians to keep the operation intact from there and thus these camps were also shifted from Kyrgyzstan to Afghanistan and to Pak-Afghan border areas inside Pakistan in early 2014.
The Daily Mail’s Investigations indicate that although Indians were much desirous of having a huge ETIM set up in Pakistan’s Waziristan Agencies as by doing so, they could not only cause huge damage to China but could also deeply dent Pakistan-China relations. However, due to unexpected launch of mega military operation by Pakistan Army in the area, Indian had to remove these assets of it from Pakistan first and later also from Afghanistan precisely.
Investigations of The Daily Mail indicate that Ajit Kumar Doval, who is considered as the specialist of arranging plane hijacking dramas, in the global intelligence community, is now reported to be planning the hijacking of a passenger plane by ETIM militant from Kyrgyzstan or Vietnam etc as his original plan of executing this hijacking from Islamabad airport could not be materialized due extraordinary security applied at all Pakistani airport after the start of operation Zarb-e-Azb. After this intelligence report surfaced, Chinese authorities introduced top level security measures at Xingjian’s Urumqi airports while they are jointly reviewing the security arrangements at relevant foreign airports, having flights to Urumqi.
The investigations further indicate that although the exact locations of RAW organized ETIM terror training and operations camps in Vietnam are not know, yet it stands almost confirmed that a few of these are at a location between Shuolong Town and Tang Loong towns of China Vietnam Border, an area, normally considered as safe haven for the smuggling operations. These operations are “mainly organized and controlled behind the scene by the East
Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) in efforts to spread religious extremism, and bewitch and incite people to flee abroad to take part in jihadist activities, while is actually masterminded from New Delhi-based RAW headquarters. Just recently, Chinese Border authorities killed a couple of ETIM activists of Uighur community in this border area, earlier in February this year. The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the Chhota Rajan Gang, that was created by Ajit Doval during his days at IB and was later comprehensively used by RAW as well, has now been tasked to manage the ETIM affairs in Vietnam as the Chhota Rajan Gang is on record to have an amazing network across Vietnam. Chhota Rajan Gang has come to a boom, boom situation after Doval took over as India’s NSA and became an undeclared chief of the entire intelligence mechanism of the country. These investigations indicate that in a recent meeting that was held in the last days of Januarry 2015, NSA Ajit Doval formally handed over Chhota Rajan Gang’s service to the incumbent RAW Chief Rajinder Khanna for the ETIM operations and for certain operations in Pakistan and Nepal. The details of these operations are still not available
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that Ajit Doval is also desirous of having a repeat of the RAW operation, codenamed “Ashes on Snow” that was carried out in Tibet region of China in 2008, using the services of some Arunachal Pradesh and Dharamshaal based Tibetan elements. Hyper activities at the training centers At Dharamshala state of India have been witnessed in past few weeks. Investigations indicate that Doval has planned of sandwiching Chinese security authorities between simultaneous disruption and violence in both Tibet and Xinjiang Regions of the people’s Republic.
These investigations indicate that earlier, Indian intelligence agency
While Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is posturing to increase cordial relations with China and is scheduled to visit Beijing in May this year, his Nation Security Advisor(NSA) Ajit Kumar Doval; former Chief of Indian Intelligence Bureau and a diehard member of Hindutva extremist organization RSS is organizing something real big to put China in double trouble in Xinjiang and Tibet, reveal the investigations of The Daily Mail, carried out in this direction.
These investigations indicate that earlier, Indian intelligence agency , the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW or R&AW) was sufficing on training ETIM militants from organized camps inside Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan while arrangements were also made to get the ETIM members trained and armed via Pakistan based TTP-Raw Network. However, after Pakistan army launched the mother of all operations, codenamed “Operation Zarb-e-Azab”, even TTP had to go on a run, leaving one to imagine as what could have been the plight of its students from ETIM. Similarly on the other side, new Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani, after coming to power, started a policy of minimizing the Indian intelligence interference in Afghanistan and started clearing all the RAW organized ETIM and TTP training camps in a precise and calculated move, though with a constant, yet invisible resistance by certain Generals of Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan Intelligence i.e. National Directorate of Security(NDS), both having majority of Indian loyalists and patronage.
These investigations indicate that earlier, Indian intelligence agency , the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW or R&AW) was sufficing on training ETIM militants from organized camps inside Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan while arrangements were also made to get the ETIM members trained and armed via Pakistan based TTP-Raw Network. However, after Pakistan army launched the mother of all operations, codenamed “Operation Zarb-e-Azab”, even TTP had to go on a run, leaving one to imagine as what could have been the plight of its students from ETIM. Similarly on the other side, new Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani, after coming to power, started a policy of minimizing the Indian intelligence interference in Afghanistan and started clearing all the RAW organized ETIM and TTP training camps in a precise and calculated move, though with a constant, yet invisible resistance by certain Generals of Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan Intelligence i.e. National Directorate of Security(NDS), both having majority of Indian loyalists and patronage.
A bus travels toward the border with China in Kyrgyzstan
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the situation however forced Ajit Kumar Doval, the Indian NSA who also controls the RAW, IB and Indian Military Intelligence by default, to move ETIM’s militant training camps from Wakhan Corridor area near China border and also from Kunnar and Nooristan areas near Pakistan border while TTP headquarters under the Command of Pakistan’s Most Wanted terrorist Mulla FazalUllah that was also supervising the ETIM training and Operations are also in the process of being moved to Kandahar. Similarly, for the ETIM operators, spots in Vietnam, along with China’s Guangxi region have been established through Indian intelligence agency, RAW.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that RAW was earlier running similar training and operational bases for ETIM in Kyrgyzstan and some other central Asian States. However when in January last year with China’s restive Xinjiang province . However after the arrival of Doval to power in India and Ashraf Ghani becoming President of Afghanistan, things started to get deteriorating for Indians.
Earlier, eleven members of ETIM were killed in Kyrgyzstan and Kyrgyzstani authorities stated they suspected them to be some Chechen terrorists, preparing for some new terror operation. Later, independent investigations exposed that it was the Indian intelligence that was actually running a training and operations camp of ETIM terrorists near a remote border village, bordering with China’s restive Xinjiang province. The Kyrgyz border service Chief said a group of militants, carrying hunting rifles and knives, was spotted in Pikertyk, 40 km from the border, by a park ranger who was killed in the violence. Kyrgyz border guards located and surrounded the militants, and a gunfight erupted when they refused to surrender. Eleven militants were killed. After the incident, the Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry said Kyrgyzstan and China are working closely in the fight against the “evil forces” of separatism, extremism and terrorism and the both the Kyrgyz and Chinese came to know what was actually going on and that Indians were running this show.
After this development, things became very difficult for the Indians to keep the operation intact from there and thus these camps were also shifted from Kyrgyzstan to Afghanistan and to Pak-Afghan border areas inside Pakistan in early 2014.
The Daily Mail’s Investigations indicate that although Indians were much desirous of having a huge ETIM set up in Pakistan’s Waziristan Agencies as by doing so, they could not only cause huge damage to China but could also deeply dent Pakistan-China relations. However, due to unexpected launch of mega military operation by Pakistan Army in the area, Indian had to remove these assets of it from Pakistan first and later also from Afghanistan precisely.
Investigations of The Daily Mail indicate that Ajit Kumar Doval, who is considered as the specialist of arranging plane hijacking dramas, in the global intelligence community, is now reported to be planning the hijacking of a passenger plane by ETIM militant from Kyrgyzstan or Vietnam etc as his original plan of executing this hijacking from Islamabad airport could not be materialized due extraordinary security applied at all Pakistani airport after the start of operation Zarb-e-Azb. After this intelligence report surfaced, Chinese authorities introduced top level security measures at Xingjian’s Urumqi airports while they are jointly reviewing the security arrangements at relevant foreign airports, having flights to Urumqi.
The investigations further indicate that although the exact locations of RAW organized ETIM terror training and operations camps in Vietnam are not know, yet it stands almost confirmed that a few of these are at a location between Shuolong Town and Tang Loong towns of China Vietnam Border, an area, normally considered as safe haven for the smuggling operations. These operations are “mainly organized and controlled behind the scene by the East
Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) in efforts to spread religious extremism, and bewitch and incite people to flee abroad to take part in jihadist activities, while is actually masterminded from New Delhi-based RAW headquarters. Just recently, Chinese Border authorities killed a couple of ETIM activists of Uighur community in this border area, earlier in February this year. The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the Chhota Rajan Gang, that was created by Ajit Doval during his days at IB and was later comprehensively used by RAW as well, has now been tasked to manage the ETIM affairs in Vietnam as the Chhota Rajan Gang is on record to have an amazing network across Vietnam. Chhota Rajan Gang has come to a boom, boom situation after Doval took over as India’s NSA and became an undeclared chief of the entire intelligence mechanism of the country. These investigations indicate that in a recent meeting that was held in the last days of Januarry 2015, NSA Ajit Doval formally handed over Chhota Rajan Gang’s service to the incumbent RAW Chief Rajinder Khanna for the ETIM operations and for certain operations in Pakistan and Nepal. The details of these operations are still not available
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that Ajit Doval is also desirous of having a repeat of the RAW operation, codenamed “Ashes on Snow” that was carried out in Tibet region of China in 2008, using the services of some Arunachal Pradesh and Dharamshaal based Tibetan elements. Hyper activities at the training centers At Dharamshala state of India have been witnessed in past few weeks. Investigations indicate that Doval has planned of sandwiching Chinese security authorities between simultaneous disruption and violence in both Tibet and Xinjiang Regions of the people’s Republic.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that RAW was earlier running similar training and operational bases for ETIM in Kyrgyzstan and some other central Asian States. However when in January last year with China’s restive Xinjiang province . However after the arrival of Doval to power in India and Ashraf Ghani becoming President of Afghanistan, things started to get deteriorating for Indians.
Earlier, eleven members of ETIM were killed in Kyrgyzstan and Kyrgyzstani authorities stated they suspected them to be some Chechen terrorists, preparing for some new terror operation. Later, independent investigations exposed that it was the Indian intelligence that was actually running a training and operations camp of ETIM terrorists near a remote border village, bordering with China’s restive Xinjiang province. The Kyrgyz border service Chief said a group of militants, carrying hunting rifles and knives, was spotted in Pikertyk, 40 km from the border, by a park ranger who was killed in the violence. Kyrgyz border guards located and surrounded the militants, and a gunfight erupted when they refused to surrender. Eleven militants were killed. After the incident, the Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry said Kyrgyzstan and China are working closely in the fight against the “evil forces” of separatism, extremism and terrorism and the both the Kyrgyz and Chinese came to know what was actually going on and that Indians were running this show.
After this development, things became very difficult for the Indians to keep the operation intact from there and thus these camps were also shifted from Kyrgyzstan to Afghanistan and to Pak-Afghan border areas inside Pakistan in early 2014.
The Daily Mail’s Investigations indicate that although Indians were much desirous of having a huge ETIM set up in Pakistan’s Waziristan Agencies as by doing so, they could not only cause huge damage to China but could also deeply dent Pakistan-China relations. However, due to unexpected launch of mega military operation by Pakistan Army in the area, Indian had to remove these assets of it from Pakistan first and later also from Afghanistan precisely.
Investigations of The Daily Mail indicate that Ajit Kumar Doval, who is considered as the specialist of arranging plane hijacking dramas, in the global intelligence community, is now reported to be planning the hijacking of a passenger plane by ETIM militant from Kyrgyzstan or Vietnam etc as his original plan of executing this hijacking from Islamabad airport could not be materialized due extraordinary security applied at all Pakistani airport after the start of operation Zarb-e-Azb. After this intelligence report surfaced, Chinese authorities introduced top level security measures at Xingjian’s Urumqi airports while they are jointly reviewing the security arrangements at relevant foreign airports, having flights to Urumqi.
The investigations further indicate that although the exact locations of RAW organized ETIM terror training and operations camps in Vietnam are not know, yet it stands almost confirmed that a few of these are at a location between Shuolong Town and Tang Loong towns of China Vietnam Border, an area, normally considered as safe haven for the smuggling operations. These operations are “mainly organized and controlled behind the scene by the East
Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) in efforts to spread religious extremism, and bewitch and incite people to flee abroad to take part in jihadist activities, while is actually masterminded from New Delhi-based RAW headquarters. Just recently, Chinese Border authorities killed a couple of ETIM activists of Uighur community in this border area, earlier in February this year. The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the Chhota Rajan Gang, that was created by Ajit Doval during his days at IB and was later comprehensively used by RAW as well, has now been tasked to manage the ETIM affairs in Vietnam as the Chhota Rajan Gang is on record to have an amazing network across Vietnam. Chhota Rajan Gang has come to a boom, boom situation after Doval took over as India’s NSA and became an undeclared chief of the entire intelligence mechanism of the country. These investigations indicate that in a recent meeting that was held in the last days of Januarry 2015, NSA Ajit Doval formally handed over Chhota Rajan Gang’s service to the incumbent RAW Chief Rajinder Khanna for the ETIM operations and for certain operations in Pakistan and Nepal. The details of these operations are still not available
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that Ajit Doval is also desirous of having a repeat of the RAW operation, codenamed “Ashes on Snow” that was carried out in Tibet region of China in 2008, using the services of some Arunachal Pradesh and Dharamshaal based Tibetan elements. Hyper activities at the training centers At Dharamshala state of India have been witnessed in past few weeks. Investigations indicate that Doval has planned of sandwiching Chinese security authorities between simultaneous disruption and violence in both Tibet and Xinjiang Regions of the people’s Republic.